De Beers Group is piloting GemFair, a programme that aims to connect artisanal and small-scale miners to the global market through digital technology and assurance of ethical working standards.


GemFair seeks to foster economic development for artisanal and small-scale miners by providing them with:


Creating a digital record of the diamonds found at registered mine sites.


Miners are trained by GemFair and can access tutorials prepared by leading diamond experts.


Miners receive fair value for their diamonds.


GemFair is developing a tailored technology that includes an app and dedicated tablet, supported by a diamond toolkit. This solution seeks to enable the digital tracking of artisanal and small-scale mined (ASM) diamonds throughout the supply chain.



We welcome any feedback and questions on our programme. If you have a question that is not addressed below, please email us at, and we will get back to you shortly.

  • What is GemFair?keyboard_arrow_down

    GemFair is a pilot project that aims to create a secure and transparent route to market for ethically-sourced artisanal and small-scale mined (ASM) diamonds. By providing artisanal and small-scale miners with access to the global market, offering fair prices and training opportunities, GemFair hopes to improve miners’ livelihoods and foster the sector’s development as a credible and trusted source of diamond supply.

    For the pilot, GemFair is partnering with the 本文内容已移除,扫码关注获取更多信息 - 搬瓦工中文网:2021-5-11 · 官网教程 建站教程 运维教程 加速 教程 搜索 百度 搜狗 360 搜索热点 如何购买 如何续费 搬瓦工被墙 免费版 Xshell 5 商业版 Xshell 5 首页 教程汇总本文内容已移除,扫码关注获取更多信息 ... to ensure that participating mine sites abide by a set of audited ethical standards known as the Maendeleo Diamond Standards (MDS)™, as well as additional standards specific to the GemFair business model.

    GemFair’s proposed solution combines dedicated software (an app) and hardware (diamond toolkit) that seeks to enable the digital tracking of ASM diamonds throughout the supply chain and addresses key challenges and risks relating to artisanal and small-scale mining activity. The pilot will initially run in Sierra Leone, where the government has already made significant progress in formalising the artisanal mining sector and where a number of artisanal mine sites are already participating in DDI’s Maendeleo Diamond Standards™ programme.

  • Why is GemFair engaging with artisanal diamond mining?keyboard_arrow_down

    The artisanal diamond mining sector employs an estimated 1.5 million people in developing countries. Although the task is challenging, GemFair believes that the artisanal mining sector should be recognised and included in international trade. The aim of this project is to support the sector’s drive for formalisation and contribute to its development.

  • Why are you starting in Sierra Leone and not elsewhere?keyboard_arrow_down

    The Government of Sierra Leone has made great strides in formalising the ASM sector, and we believe that GemFair can offer an unprecedented opportunity to take this process to the next level. Our decision to pilot the project in Sierra Leone was also driven by the fact that our partner DDI has already made a significant progress in improving standards with their cooperating mine sites there.

  • I would like GemFair to come to my country. What can I do?keyboard_arrow_down

    If the pilot is successful in Sierra Leone, GemFair will be looking to expand to other African countries. If you are a government official, a donor or an NGO and would like to speak to the GemFair team, please get in touch.

  • How will GemFair have a positive impact on development?keyboard_arrow_down

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  • What standards are you using to ensure that mine sites are indeed ethical, and which NGO partners do you work with?keyboard_arrow_down

    For the pilot, we will be working with DDI applying its Maendeleo Diamond Standards™ as well as implementing our own Responsible ASM Assurance Programme to vet, register and train ASM miners.

  • What technology are we using?keyboard_arrow_down

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  • Does GemFair also trace other minerals, such as gemstones and gold?keyboard_arrow_down

    The pilot will focus exclusively on diamonds. However, with minor tweaks to the software, the solution could potentially be used for other minerals in the future.


Join us on our mission to create equal opportunities for all by supporting artisanal mining and unlocking global markets. We are always looking for talented and passionate people to join our team. If you don't see an open position for the role that you are interested in, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to

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